
单点登录 - CAS【四】获取更全面的用户信息(续)


       在上一篇文章单点登录 - CAS【四】获取更全面的用户信息中提到 配置attributeRepository

<!-- 组装sql用的查询条件属性 -->	
		<property name="queryAttributeMapping">
			    <!-- key必须是uername而且是小写否则会导致取不到用户的其它信息,value对应数据库用户名字段,系统会自己匹配 -->
				<entry key="username" value="login_name" />












public abstract class AbstractDefaultAttributePersonAttributeDao extends AbstractFlatteningPersonAttributeDao {
    private IUsernameAttributeProvider usernameAttributeProvider = new SimpleUsernameAttributeProvider();

     * @see org.jasig.services.persondir.IPersonAttributeDao#getPerson(java.lang.String)
     * @throws org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException if more than one matching {@link IPersonAttributes} is found.
    public IPersonAttributes getPerson(String uid) {
        Validate.notNull(uid, "uid may not be null.");
        //Generate the seed map for the uid
        final Map<String, List<Object>> seed = this.toSeedMap(uid);
        //Run the query using the seed
        final Set<IPersonAttributes> people = this.getPeopleWithMultivaluedAttributes(seed);
        //Ensure a single result is returned
        IPersonAttributes person = (IPersonAttributes)DataAccessUtils.singleResult(people);
        if (person == null) {
            return null;
        //Force set the name of the returned IPersonAttributes if it isn't provided in the return object
        if (person.getName() == null) {
            person = new NamedPersonImpl(uid, person.getAttributes());
        return person;

     * Converts the uid to a multi-valued seed Map using the value from {@link #getDefaultAttributeName()}
     * as the key.
    protected Map<String, List<Object>> toSeedMap(String uid) {
        final List<Object> values = Collections.singletonList((Object)uid);
        final String usernameAttribute = this.usernameAttributeProvider.getUsernameAttribute();
        final Map<String, List<Object>> seed = Collections.singletonMap(usernameAttribute, values);
        if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            this.logger.debug("Created seed map='" + seed + "' for uid='" + uid + "'");
        return seed;




        final List<Object> values = Collections.singletonList((Object)uid);
        final String usernameAttribute = this.usernameAttributeProvider.getUsernameAttribute();
        final Map<String, List<Object>> seed = Collections.singletonMap(usernameAttribute, values);



    final String usernameAttribute = this.usernameAttributeProvider.getUsernameAttribute();

    然后找到 IUsernameAttributeProvider.java


public class SimpleUsernameAttributeProvider implements IUsernameAttributeProvider {
    private String usernameAttribute = "username";
    public SimpleUsernameAttributeProvider() {
    public SimpleUsernameAttributeProvider(String usernameAttribute) {
     * The usernameAttribute to use
    public void setUsernameAttribute(String usernameAttribute) {
        this.usernameAttribute = usernameAttribute;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.jasig.services.persondir.support.IUsernameAttributeProvider#getUsernameAttribute()
    public String getUsernameAttribute() {
        return this.usernameAttribute;



    private String usernameAttribute = "username";






public abstract class AbstractJdbcPersonAttributeDao<R> extends AbstractQueryPersonAttributeDao<PartialWhereClause> {
    private static final Pattern WHERE_PLACEHOLDER = Pattern.compile("\\{0\\}");
    private final SimpleJdbcTemplate simpleJdbcTemplate;
    private final String queryTemplate;
    private QueryType queryType = QueryType.AND;
     * @param ds The DataSource to use for queries
     * @param queryTemplate Template to use for SQL query generation. Use {0} as the placeholder for where the generated portion of the WHERE clause should be inserted. 
    public AbstractJdbcPersonAttributeDao(DataSource ds, String queryTemplate) {
        Validate.notNull(ds, "DataSource can not be null");
        Validate.notNull(queryTemplate, "queryTemplate can not be null");
        this.simpleJdbcTemplate = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(ds);
        this.queryTemplate = queryTemplate;
     * @return the queryTemplate
    public String getQueryTemplate() {
        return queryTemplate;

     * @return the queryType
    public QueryType getQueryType() {
        return queryType;
     * Type of logical operator to use when joining WHERE clause components
     * @param queryType the queryType to set
    public void setQueryType(QueryType queryType) {
        this.queryType = queryType;


QueryType queryType = QueryType.AND;

     * Type of logical operator to use when joining WHERE clause components
     * @param queryType the queryType to set
    public void setQueryType(QueryType queryType) {
        this.queryType = queryType;

queryType 是查询逻辑操作符,值为:AND、OR

<constructor-arg index="1" value="select email,name,login_name,password from isc_user where {0}" />





final List<Object> values = Collections.singletonList((Object)uid);
final String usernameAttribute = this.usernameAttributeProvider.getUsernameAttribute();
final Map<String, List<Object>> seed = Collections.singletonMap(usernameAttribute, values);



private static final Pattern WHERE_PLACEHOLDER = Pattern.compile("\\{0\\}");







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